Some cool stuff for you!
COOL WEBSITES Internet Archive. Here you can find books, music, shows, movies, videos, ROMs, and just about anything the internet provides. This site also has the Wayback Machine, where you can visit old and forgotten websites B) Revival of GeoCities' GifCities, made by the Internet Archive. So so much cool stuff A huge selection of emulation and ROM downloads. I got a lot of my files for DS modding here Another ROM site, with games and emulators for alll types of systems Emulation for old Apple software, like cool games and applications History of internet design; organized by era, style, company, type of site, and more. I could spend forever looking at all of the different sites and how they (and the rest of the internet) change over time Awesome image effects tool Lots of cool, artsy-ish typefaces Online library of zines you can read for free! You can print them from home if you want; some are already formatted for print, but for others you'd have to fix the formatting so it prints in a way that makes sense :-) Observe, log, explore, and learn about bird species (woop woop)! What's playing on the radio around the world


Raymond Loewy: Designer of basically everything. He came up with great designs ranging from trains to Coke fountain dispensers, and everything he makes is just so nice to look at. He has an Art Deco style that feels both vintage and futuristic at the same time.

Judith Love Cohen: Aerospace engineer who worked on Apollo 13. She also contributed to many other projects like the Minuteman missile and the Hubble Space Telescope. She was a very neat lady with a big brain.

Susan Kare: Graphic designer of the Macintosh interface elements. She made all of the cute little pixelated icons. :-) A lot of her work contributed to today's emojis.

Mariko Mori: Futuristic artist focused on light. A lot of her work is abstract, iridescent, and colorful. I really like her use of form in her pieces, and a good amound of them are pretty big too. She creates both 2D and 3D artwork in the forms of photography, digital art, and sculpture.

Paul Rand: Graphic designer known for iconic corporate logos. He made the logos for IBM, UPS, ABC, and many more. He was also an art director, and was influenced by Swiss graphic design styles.

Longji Rice Terraces of Guangxi: I was sitting in the living room listening to music, and these came up as a screensaver. I thought the landscape was so beautiful and I had to learn more about them.

Pyrops insects: I was visiting an insectarium with my family, and we were looking at all of the displays of pinned bugs. I saw these ones and was amazed by all of the colors and patterns they have. They have become one of my favorite insects.

Phosphenes: The fuzzy dots and colors you see when you close your eyes or rub them. I picked this picture because it was the closest representation to what I see.

22,000 Animated Gifs: I originally came across this on Tumblr. Here is the original post. The gifs are compiled into a Google drive folder with so much cool stuff. :-)

Porpita porpita

Namib Desert "fairy circles"

Wilson's Phalaropes


1968 Autobianci Bianchina
hee hee hee